Monday, 18 July 2016

f r e s h

Okay, so I've spent way too much time editing my layout. You know when you keep rewriting or looking at a word for a long period of time, the word starts looking weird/like its spelled wrong? That was me, editing my blog layout.

Legit, I've been editing and reediting my biography, my blog URL, my fonts, backgrounds. Trying to make it look like I didn't even try, and it still looks good. You feel me?

I'd try to fool myself into believing that it's because I want you - my beloved readers who realistically are just my friends and family - to feel comfortable, whimsical and content with my choice of font and background.

The truth is that I think I'm nervous. This is a total revamp. I haven't done personal blogging since I was like I don't know 12? Haha. But in recent events it's become evident to me that writing is something that I shouldn't give up. I was once passionate enough about it to ask my friends and teachers to challenge me into writing impromptu fictional stories in a day from one word.

Jess, you said personal blogging then you talk about fictional stories??? 

Yeah, okay I'm a bit scatterbrained right now. So I'll try to explain my thoughts as clearly as possible through text. (For someone who believes she expresses herself better through written word than spoken word, I'm doing very well at contradicting myself aren't I. lol.)

I didn't start a totally new blog because writing inspirational fictional pieces is still something very close to my heart and I would love to continue one day. But I'm starting out with personal blogging again because story-writing is a muscle I have not worked out in a long time and I'm VERY rusty. Most of what I've written recently has just made me question if I even had a gift in the first place. (ha)

The hope is that by getting in the habit of writing more frequently, fictional or not, I'll begin to get back in the swing of things and the word flow will come easier.

So thank you, to those who voted on my Twitter poll encouraging me to get back into blogging.
Thank you, to those who found my blog url through my instagram and twitter, read my posts from 3 years ago, and asked me why I stopped.
You guys are the reason this is happening again and I'm thankful. Scared, but thankful.

I'll try to blog at least once a week. If I don't, I'm sure Abi will push me to it ha. (Thanks love, you were my main motivation.)

I hope this blogpost was not to cliche and cringy. 


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