Friday, 15 February 2013


There was once a place filled with mystical creatures and weird looking folk up to no good. It is believed to be called Alasde.

The strangest beings could be found in Alasde. One might go there for what you would call an adventure. But then again, to the people of Alasde – also known as Alasdians - such “adventures” were their everyday life.

Alasde was a not a very big place. Perhaps it could fill a village of trolls, but not much more. It was vastly occupied by little slopes and little valleys creating the illusion of what we might call mountains.

Alasde was a place of odd happenings; perhaps you call it magic or witchcraft. But Alasdians were accustomed to such events. As I said before, it is their everyday life.

Alasde is a place where you will find flowers watering themselves with their grim and sour faces. Or perhaps you would come across something that might look like a little goat fluttering around not quite used to their newly given wings.

The people of Alasde were ordinary enough though. They needed their morning coffee just like us, had little rascals for kids, and of course had jobs they hated.

They looked normal enough the same amount of limbs as us, hair of all sorts of styles and lengths, a face with all the right features.

Hard to surpass though were the colours of their eyes, hair and skin.

Depending on which city you were at, you would find different colours; from a beautiful bright yellow, to the darkest of blues.

One might find it fascinating to visit such places, to hear the Alasdians themselves yell to their flowers to “behave yourselves” before a squabble erupts between one and another flower beds.

But one also might find it hard to even find let alone get into the country itself.

Why? Well the country of Alasde isn’t attached together. In fact, parts of the country could be hundreds of miles apart from each other. I suppose, each part away from each other could be called a city. You could not possibly drive from one city to another in Alasde.


Each city of Alasde is placed on wings.

Wings of butterflies.

Yesterday, (Valentine’s day!) my parents, brother and I went on a hiking trip to a river in the outskirts of my town (:

At one of the rivers, we had an encounter with a butterfly, known as our national butterfly called the Raja 
Brooke. I was thus inspired to write a story around butterflies (:

So this story is dedicated to all the nerds out there who (much like me) enjoy reading fiction such as Narnia and stories about hobbits or whatnot (;

I had a lot of fun writing this, it sort of all came at one go. So I did not prewrite this.

Fiction writing is not my strong point. I am not very good at creating creatures and such. So this would not be one of my better stories.

I got the name Alasde from the Spanish translation of butterfly wings: alas de mariposa

I hope you caught the fact that “each city had different coloured people” was inspired because butterflies have a wide variety of colours (:

I know it’s rather short.
But still, hope you enjoyed.

1 comment:

  1. Me likey! Made me want to look for chapter two... =D =D
